Die blau-grüne Stadt

Stadt als Landschaft – Entwürfe für eine lebenswerte und klimaresiliente Stadt

Editor: Felix Bentlin, Anke Schmidt, Angela Million, Carina Wagner

Size: 103 pages
Format: 14,8 x 21,0 cm
Publishing year: 2024
ISBN 978-3-98781-027-5

Volumes 1-6 published by Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin

Water is essential for our ecosystems and habitats. Against the backdrop of climate change, blue-green infrastructures (BGI) are becoming increasingly important in urbanised areas. The publication on the blue-green city presents the results of the winter school under the same heading, in which students, researchers and designers from various planning faculties in Germany spent a year exploring this fundamental topic. The publication uses current designs and projects from research and practice to show how nature-based elements can be integrated into urban planning in order to make cities more liveable, climate-resilient and sustainable. Innovative solutions for water-sensitive urban development, climate adaptation strategies and risk management, biodiversity and health care are presented.